Product show PSA nitrogen making machine

Laser cutting medium and high pressure nitrogen generator system

The application of CPT4N-50 nitrogen generator system in the laser cutting process. After the successful application of the nitrogen generator system produced by Kaipu Company in Shanghai Yongda Elevator, Jiangxi NSFOCUS Machinery and Guangdong Jinhuilong, it has been well received by customers. It saves the operating cost in the production process. During the cutting process of the stainless steel plate, the high temperature will make the cut surface of the steel plate discolored and not smooth. To solve these problems, the intervention of high-purity nitrogen is required, but the cost of nitrogen is very high. The current nitrogen supply methods include: liquid nitrogen storage tanks supply nitrogen through vaporization, steel cylinders supply nitrogen, and on-site nitrogen generators supply nitrogen. The first two kinds of nitrogen supply costs are relatively high, the operating cost of 1Nm3 is not less than 2.00 yuan; and the operating cost of using our company's CPT series nitrogen generator is less than 0.6 yuan/Nm3. For details, please consult our sales engineers and will base on your actual use. , For you to choose a nitrogen generator system that is more suitable for your company’s production needs, our company’s service hotline 400-0159-114.

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Captgas equipment Co., Ltd-Suzhou